All Sunhillo Products

This product has been declared End of Life
The Longport Express is an intelligent PCI Express serial communications adapter providing highly configurable hardware functionality and an open software development platform.
Process Mode 4 Interrogation
Sunhillo's M4I Module accepts interrogation synchronously from a single 25 pin serial interface and in the form of UDP packets from dual Ethernet interfaces. Interrogation requests can arrive in any order from either interface type.
Add ADS-B In to your Longport
Sunhillo’s Longport platform is a robust, versatile and modular system designed for Surveillance Sensor Data Distribution and message conversions and now with the addition of the ADS-B Receiver module it accepts and decodes 1090MHz and 978MHz ADS-B and TIS-B.
Surveillance Data Distribution & Conversion Platform
Sunhillo’s Longport platform is a robust, versatile and modular system designed for surveillance sensor data distribution and message conversions.
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