Surveillance Monitoring System

Display Radar & ADS-B Data

SMS Top Features

Target Information

Double clicking any target will bring up the Target Info Window which displays the following information:

Custom Geofencing

An area can be added to the display map to highlight targets in a particular geographical location. You can configure a specific polygonal shape to display on the map by entering the coordinates of each point on the polygon. The targets that enter into this area in the example were configured to display in whiter.

Graphical Overlay

An overlay can be added to the SMS map to provide a different visual display of a particular geographical location. Multiple overlays can be added to the display. All targets that cover the overlay follow the color configuration setup for sensors, areas, or the SM default target color.


surveillance monitoring system screenshot
SMS is currently deployed across the US including DOD Fire Safetry Ranges and a FAA UAS Test Site

SureLine Software Suite

The software suite that powers Sunhillo’s RICI, Longport, Margate II ADS‑B, Ventnor, and Brigantine series products continues to provide the extensive feature-set, high-level performance, and full access to each product’s respective hardware interfaces that you’ve come to expect from Sunhillo.

For the full set of radar protocol conversions and supported plug‑ins please follow the SureLine link.

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Sunhillo Solutions

Providing surveillance data distribution and conversion solutions to the FAA, DOD, and civil aviation authorities worldwide since 1991

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