Track Generator

Surveillance Test Tool
Sunhillo’s Track Generator supports legacy radar data, ADS-B, and correlated (ADS-B/radar) target information with the ability to simulate high data loads, alerts, and excessive target data—excessive in the range of thousands to thoroughly stress Air Traffic Systems during high service volume loads. This powerful tool provides realistic simulation, as well as track generation to “autogenerate” surveillance tracks based on user specified site, route, and target information and is capable of saving this information for scenario creation and future playback. The built-in Generator software provides message control parameters for a variety of common surveillance data formats, such as: En Route Communications Gateway Protocol (ECGP), ASTERIX, CAT048, CAT033 and CAT034; Airport Surveillance Radar Model 9 (ASR-9); Air Route Surveillance Radar, Model 3 and Model 4 (ARSR-3 and ARSR-4); Common Digitizer, Mode 1 and Mode 2 (CD-1 and CD-2); Minimally Attended Radar (MAR) / FPS-11; and other protocols and formats.

Track Generator Test Tool Details

User configurable Target Configuration Parameters.
Track Generator Route & Target configuration options

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Sunhillo Solutions

Providing surveillance data distribution and conversion solutions to the FAA, DOD, and civil aviation authorities worldwide since 1991

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