Serial to IP Conversion Solutions
Sunhillo’s Asbury delivers a Synchronous Serial to Ethernet adapter for the mass market. The Asbury features full speed HDLC, Bisync, and raw mode transparent to process data in multiple ways. The Asbury is unique to Sunhillo’s product lineup as it can be used across multiple industries for Synchronous Serial to IP conversion and sustaining legacy equipment by eliminating the need for costly serial and TDM lines.
Industries Supported:
Asbury - Synchronous Serial to IP

The Asbury solves your data connection needs moving from expensive and outdated Serial and TDM lines to cost effective Ethernet networks. The Asbury product is a compact, low cost, single-channel serial to ethernet conversion device ideally suited for Legacy Serial/TDM lines moving to IP applications. It is contained in a form factor that allows it to be attached in-line to a device or cable with a male DB-25 connector, and an RJ45 connection on the opposite side for LAN.
Use Case Scenarios
- Elimination of TDM lines
- Synchronous Serial to IP
- Legacy Telecom Serial to IP
- Extend the life of serially connected Industrial equipment
- Replace thick serial cables with thin ethernet cables
Users including Government, Industrial, Banks, Utilities, Telecom need Synchronous Serial to IP conversions as their legacy products transition to IP interfaces. As factories and manufacturing is modernizing the traditional costly serial lines are being phased out for ethernet and utilizing the Asbury can extend the life of their manufacturing equipment and still use low cost ethernet lines.
The Asbury can be used in multiple ways including bridging HDLC lines over ethernet saving leased line cost. In this CONOPS the Asbury takes in data via a serial connection and processes that data over ethernet back to an Asbury which then converts the IP data back to serial to help sustain legacy equipment and leased line cost.